Wednesday, June 8, 2011


You read this post at your own peril. When I am sleep deprived, like now, my evil avatar springs to the fore. I am new to town so haven't identified a doctor to prescribe Ambian. I guess I see a blessing in that it has been a year since I've needed any meds.

I want to avoid cliches like "the perfect storm". I'm in a putrid pond with a straw just above the surface. Professionally, I am working on a motion to dismiss a million dollar lawsuit. It's due next week and I have been grinding it to the bone. Needless to say I need food, sleep and some head space. I got a mother-in-law with a diarrehea dog. Fine. I am donating the couch that cost me three thousand dollars fifteen years ago to him and his distress.

I should be so Lucky, Get it? I have Jack Crashing inTo walls and doorways at 2:30 a.m. I'm so sleepy and biototchy. Get it? Why? Does she really need to cram by our bedroom door with all her noisy, heavy metal at two in the morning?

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