Give me the cursed and flawed Broadway play, Turn Out the Lights, I could do something with it. I know I could save it. Action, drama, character flaws. My life is less than epic. Picking up the pace would be welcomed. I pick up filthy forks from the floor.
I had my first meltdown. I cried. Over the unrelenting unsanitary condition of the kitchen, compounded with the fleas that Jack’s cat doled out to my animals. I must add that I had an extraordinary event that week—another lawyer was physically violent and insane towards me and my client during a deposition. That, not Jack put me over the edge. We had a long weekend to regroup, and to gain some perspective.
Husband soothed the way he knew how. He cleaned our room and authorized the hiring of a housekeeper. I flipped through the MLS for affordable condos.